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Help us prepare garden and tree beds
for this growing season!
Join Tree Winthrop - Winthrop Loves Trees & G.R.O.W.
Support the planting and maintenance of gardens and trees on public land throughout Winthrop.  Membership is free.

Tree Winthrop - Winthrop Loves Trees and G.R.O.W. is looking for members: volunteers-supporters-donors to help us care for public trees and pollinator gardens across Winthrop.  

Trees Arrive for Winthrop Adopt-a-Tree

Twenty-one young trees arrived in Winthrop on June 27th, and will be planted at nine sites at the Cummings School, the E.B. Newton, Ingleside Park, and the Library.  The trees were purchased by Tree Winthrop – Winthrop Loves Trees & G.R.O.W. with a generous grant from the Winthrop Foundation.

Residents are encouraged to register for the Winthrop Adopt-a-Tree Program, and volunteer to provide water and maintenance for these and other young trees as they grow and establish themselves in their first three years.

Learn More... 

Winthrop Foundation awards grant to Winthrop Loves Trees (Tree Winthrop).

The Winthrop Foundation awarded $70,400 to Winthrop Loves Trees (Tree Winthrop) to plant dozens of public trees throughout Winthrop.

Winthrop Tree Committee starts Tree Farm.

The Winthrop Tree Committee has begun a tree farm along Kennedy Drive to reduce the expense and increase the availability of select tree species for public plantings throughout Winthrop.  Thank you Paul O'Donnell (Tree Warden), Chris Aiello, Tom Derderian, Tim Duplin, and Joanne Hillman.

Tree Winthrop - Winthrop Loves Trees & G.R.O.W. is a registered nonprofit, tax exempt citizens group that protects and improves Winthrop’s urban forest and urban greening by advocacy, planning, planting, conserving, educating, and fostering good stewardship.


Tree Winthrop - Winthrop Loves Trees & G.R.O.W. (Gardener Residents of Winthrop) is an all-volunteer organization lead by a volunteer board of directors.  

Current Projects

Winthrop Adopt-a-Tree

Participate in the planting and maintenance of young trees streetside and in public spaces throughout Winthrop. 

Learn more

             Pollinator Gardens
Get involved in the planting of gardens and memorials in Winthrop designed to provide for the attraction and support of pollinator species (e.g., bees, beetles, bats, butterflies, hummingbirds, and more.
Learn more
In Loving Memory of Christopher Zike

Chris Zike was one of the Founding Members of Winthrop Loves Trees, and had assumed the group’s Treasurer position. His insatiable, knowledgeable interest in trees, gardening and public spaces, and his commitment for bettering Winthrop, motivated his “hands-on” approach to achieve a greener environment for our sea-side Town. He strongly advocated with Town Officials for “Green” improvements - proposing a town-wide tree survey, implementing a tree farm for maturing trees, making the Town Hall Green into “a show place”; and was humbly honored to be officially appointed to the Tree Committee. Chris was avid in posting photos, providing on-line links to articles about all things “Tree”, meeting with officials and residents, and offering great ideas and well-researched direction. With his WLT supporters, he was also working on a grant proposal to the Winthrop Foundation for new trees at the Landing. Although excited to be serving in his “dream” position on the Tree Comm., it was only for a short time, since he tragically suffered a motorcycle accident on his way to work in October 2021. With a humble attitude and likeable, outgoing personality, Chris’ ever-energetic, passionate enthusiasm for numerous ideas to better the Winthrop community helped energize and engage many residents to continue his noble works. He saw things so clearly. His commitment to his Town of Winthrop was unwavering and fervent, in so many areas of concern. Chris initially funded and realized his project of a Pollinator/Tree Garden at the Senior Center - which will also now have a scrubby pine planted in his honor. A large-scale “Party Tree”, under which all residents can together celebrate nature and their town, was Chris’ impactful vision; one that Winthrop Loves Trees will bring to fruition, as a fitting tribute to this wonderful man.

'Party Tree' - Christopher Zike

"Around me the trees stir in their leaves

and call out, "Stay awhile." 

The light flows from their branches. 

And they call again, "It's simple," they say,

"and you too have come

into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled

with light, and to shine." 

From When I am Among the Trees

Mary Oliver


The protection and expansion of Winthrop’s urban canopy and green spaces relies on citizen and legislative action at the local and state levels.


Here are local and state initiatives currently underway that Tree Winthrop is seeking support for.  


Revere Street Reconstruction

The MA Dept. of Transportation has appropriated over $6 million dollars for the reconstruction of Revere St. (the TIP Project). Tree Winthrop is following the progress of the proposed tree plantings.

State of Massachusetts

H.869 - An Act Establishing the Municipal ReforestatioProgram  

To establish a municipal reforestation program within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs - Environment and Natural Resources.

Bill H.869 (read full text) - Bill has been referred to the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, at the State House.Bill

© 2024   Tree Winthrop - Winthrop Loves Trees & G.R.O.W.
Website design by ProcessDCP.

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